Voici une façon un peu plus naturelle de récupérer le classeur Excel du test de Dixon ! Downloadez ! Si Internet Explorer vous bloque, (bandeau jaune en dessous de la barre d'adresse) vous pouvez sans risque accepter le téléchargement.
Blog professionnel d'un technicien Géomètre-Topographe (ex technicien R&D en chimie des encres). J'ai aussi de réelles compétences (validées par l'expérience professionnelle) en photographie et en journalisme. Des compétences aussi dans le domaine de la semence professionnelle. Je peux aussi vous aider à mettre en œuvre des plans d'expériences.
2 commentaires:
bonjour Laurent,
Comment ca va au jour d'hui?
Merci beaucoups for the reply on my blog.
I read the article about your trip to the U.S. when you were 25. That would make you about 36-37 years old now. It sounds like a very good program and a good way to visit an unfamiliar country. I can see from your description that you are still working as a chemist.
I wish I could read Francais better. What I can understand sounds very technical.... Now that I have looked at your description of this blog again, I see that it is a professional blog and I would probably not understand it even if I did parle Francais.
It is not too late to wish a happy new year.
Thank you and Happy New Year to you as well.
My friend Jennifer is living in Nogent-Le-Rotrou. She is teaching English to 8th grade students. I will tell her about my contact with you.
Good Luck! Bon Chance! with your chemistry blog.
I hope it is tres successful.
Greetings Laurent,
Since this blog is for you to find a new company, would you rather that I do not leave comments here?
By the way, in your message you said you are "trying to found a new company". In English to "found" a new company would mean to MAKE a new company. Is that what you want to do? I wish you good luck either way!
Merci boucoups for wishing me a better day. It is Friday here and I was allowed to leave early today because I worked 12 hours on Tuesday. I did have a better day!
I hope I did not alarm your goldfish with my message yesterday.
until later,
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