25 janv. 2006

Test de Dixon (enfin !)

Voici une façon un peu plus naturelle de récupérer le classeur Excel du test de Dixon ! Downloadez ! Si Internet Explorer vous bloque, (bandeau jaune en dessous de la barre d'adresse) vous pouvez sans risque accepter le téléchargement.

2 commentaires:

mykl jon a dit…

bonjour Laurent,
Comment ca va au jour d'hui?
Merci beaucoups for the reply on my blog.
I read the article about your trip to the U.S. when you were 25. That would make you about 36-37 years old now. It sounds like a very good program and a good way to visit an unfamiliar country. I can see from your description that you are still working as a chemist.
I wish I could read Francais better. What I can understand sounds very technical.... Now that I have looked at your description of this blog again, I see that it is a professional blog and I would probably not understand it even if I did parle Francais.
It is not too late to wish a happy new year.
Thank you and Happy New Year to you as well.
My friend Jennifer is living in Nogent-Le-Rotrou. She is teaching English to 8th grade students. I will tell her about my contact with you.
Good Luck! Bon Chance! with your chemistry blog.
I hope it is tres successful.

mykl jon a dit…

Greetings Laurent,
Since this blog is for you to find a new company, would you rather that I do not leave comments here?
By the way, in your message you said you are "trying to found a new company". In English to "found" a new company would mean to MAKE a new company. Is that what you want to do? I wish you good luck either way!
Merci boucoups for wishing me a better day. It is Friday here and I was allowed to leave early today because I worked 12 hours on Tuesday. I did have a better day!
I hope I did not alarm your goldfish with my message yesterday.
until later,